Omar Wala, a once-aspirant Florida International University student who made a fortune by importing the infamous club drug Molly from China, has unexpectedly found himself embroiled...
Vikas Gupta, the strong-standing pillar support of ‘Greyweave’ has come a long way in his career journey. From taking over the family to expanding the reach...
DJ is an important part of the music industry being the soul of every nightclub. The major attraction at any club is the DJ and not...
It is neither a stray nor incidental remark. Defying the odds as a black Female Innovative Entrepreneur and a female CEO of a Women’s Football Club...
Samuel Kwame Boadu, also known as SamBoad is an award-winning entrepreneur with more than 10 years of working experience in Digital Marketing, Human Resource Management, and...
Imagine a world where you could have an intelligent, personalized conversation with your favorite brand at any time of the day or night. Where businesses engaged...
In the past few years, the number of students looking for admissions has doubled and continues to be on an upward rise. This increase in enrolments...
“No matter how gloomy it gets and how hazy your destination seems, there is eternally a glint of light, guiding you towards your goal”. This is...
The Social Development sector bridges actions with intentions, but unfortunately, it is one of the most overlooked sectors. It is a selfless field that uplifts the...
As the entire world struggles with the pandemic, it dawned upon us that many of us lack physical fitness. Had we concentrated on maintaining a healthy...